14. September - 5. October

Dag Thoresen - Synsbilder

Galleri Haaken invites you to a whole new exhibition by Dag Thoresen september 14th.

Experience a colourful history telling by Dag Thoresen

The paintings at Galleri Haaken balance between language and visuality, words and images. They claim the recognizable, semantic anchor points in the flow of color. They are like books, bathed in the pre-linguistic. But as in the Renaissance paragone debates—those battles between art forms over which was superior—literature stands no chance in Thoresen's work.

Dag Thoresen has described his painting process as "sniffing his way into nature." One could just as easily replace "sniffing," a somewhat earthy verb, with the more phenomenological "seeing." However, "visions" may seem like a pleonasm; an image, much like a phenomenon, is something that, above all else, manifests itself, revealing itself to the eye. Neither more nor less. Dag Thoresen is one of Norway's leading painters and graphic artists, with works in the collections of the National Museum, the Astrup Fearnley Museum, and many public commissions. In his new exhibition at Galleri Haaken, he "sees" his way into new landscapes, into topographies that test the boundaries of painting's definition and representation.

The exhibition stands from september 14th - october 5th.

New exhibition