Pricacy statement

This privacy statement applies to Selvaag Eiendom AS (Selvaag Eiendom) processing of personal data about visitors to (the Website), partners, suppliers, customers, and others who contact us. This privacy statement provides you with information about what personal data Selvaag Eiendom collects, why Selvaag Eiendom processes the personal data, and your rights related to the processing of personal data. Selvaag Eiendom will process personal data in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation at any given time.

Selvaag Eiendom is responsible for your personal data and takes your privacy seriously. If you have any questions related to Selvaag Eiendom's processing of your personal data or this privacy statement, you can contact us at: Selvaag Eiendom AS, Silurveien 2, 0380 Oslo. You can also send an email to or contact us by phone at 23 13 70 00.


Selvaag Eiendom processes personal data about contacts at customers, suppliers, and other partners, as well as about visitors to the Website and individuals who contact Selvaag Eiendom. Selvaag Eiendom collects your personal data in various ways, such as through the Website, via phone and email, or other contacts, and in connection with our collaboration with customers and suppliers where we receive your personal data from you or your employer or client.

Selvaag Eiendom processes personal data for the following purposes:

i) Administration of customer, supplier, and other partnership relationships, where we process names, titles/functions, and contact information of employees at customers, suppliers, or other partners. The processing is based on a balance of interests so that we can communicate with our customers' contacts and perform tasks for our customers (according to GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter f).

ii) Responding to inquiries; to receive and respond to inquiries to Selvaag Eiendom, for example, via the Website. This may involve processing of personal data such as name, title/function, phone number, email address, address, and other personal data provided in connection with the inquiry. The consequences of not providing such information are that Selvaag Eiendom cannot respond to the inquiry. The processing is based on a balance of interests. Selvaag Eiendom's legitimate interest is to assist you with your inquiries (according to GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter f).

iii) Recruitment for new positions with us, where we process CVs, certificates, applications, references (provided by you), and any other information you provide. This is necessary for us to assess your job application. The consequences of not providing such information are that we cannot assess your job application or offer you a job. The processing is necessary to carry out measures based on the job application with a view to entering into an employment contract (according to GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter b). The personal data is collected from the applicant but also from the provided references. In some cases, we may want to retain your CV or application documents for a limited period after the recruitment process is over. The basis for this is the applicant's consent (according to GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter a).

iv) Analysis and marketing purposes; to improve the Website and Selvaag Eiendom's services. The legal basis for this type of processing is that the processing is necessary to safeguard Selvaag Eiendom's legitimate interests in optimizing and further developing the information provided on the Website and its services (according to GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter f).

As part of our marketing efforts, we send out newsletters to update our customers and interested parties on the latest news about Selvaag Eiendom's activities. In this context, we process personal data in the form of contact information, including email address and associated company. The legal basis for this processing of personal data is the consent of the person who wishes to subscribe to the newsletter and provides their information (according to GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter a).

v) Compliance with legal requirements and legal obligations, to comply with legal requirements, such as requirements in accounting legislation, and to comply with other orders from public authorities (according to GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter c).

vi) Protection of Selvaag Eiendom's or third parties' rights, to establish, assert, and defend legal claims that Selvaag Eiendom believes it has or are directed against Selvaag Eiendom by stakeholders, homebuyers, visitors to the Website, suppliers, partners, or other third parties or public authorities.

vii) Access control to one of our properties, Silurveien 2, where we process personal data in the form of names, positions, or affiliation with the property that justifies access. Contact information is processed to create access cards for individuals who need them to enter our properties, for Selvaag Eiendom to keep track of who is on the properties, to prevent unauthorized access, and for the security of both the properties and the people there. The legal basis for access cards is a legitimate interest in having an overview of who has access to Selvaag Eiendom's properties and only giving authorized individuals access to the properties (according to GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter f).

ix) Surveillance cameras on our properties, where we process personal data in the form of video recordings. The surveillance aims to prevent and detect criminal offenses for the benefit of employees and other individuals on Selvaag Eiendom's properties. Clear information is provided that surveillance is taking place on the properties, and recordings are deleted according to applicable regulations. The legal basis for camera surveillance is a legitimate interest in preventing and detecting criminal offenses on the company's properties (according to GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter f).

x) WIFI access on our properties, where we process personal data both in the form of offering WIFI access to visitors and employees, and by analyzing WiFi signals to gain greater insight into the number of visitors to our building floors: Tjuvholmen and Løren. The insight and processing take place as described below under point 7. The purpose is to offer WIFI access and analyze anonymous movement data to plan and improve our offerings and activities on our properties. The legal basis is a legitimate interest in these offerings (according to GDPR article 6 no. 1 letter f).


Selvaag Eiendom will not store your personal data for longer than necessary to achieve the purposes for which the personal data was collected. If the processing is based on consent, the processing will cease when you withdraw your consent. You can withdraw this at any time.

For applicants for positions with us, we will keep the personal data as long as the recruitment process is ongoing. If the applicant is not hired, we will delete the personal data no later than 6 months after the position was filled, unless consent for longer storage is given. Upon employment, the personal data in your application documentation will be governed by the privacy statement applicable to our employees.

The personal data will, however, be stored as long as necessary for Selvaag Eiendom to fulfill legal requirements and legal obligations, including requirements for continued storage according to accounting legislation.


Selvaag Eiendom takes your privacy seriously and has implemented adequate security measures to protect your personal data against breaches of personal data security and unauthorized access to and disclosure of personal data.


Selvaag Eiendom will only disclose personal data to third parties if there is a legal basis for this.

Selvaag Eiendom uses data processors to collect, store, or otherwise process personal data on our behalf. The relationship with such data processors will be regulated through a data processing agreement, which ensures confidentiality and safeguarding of information security at all levels. Several of our data processors are, for example, ISO27001 certified.

In our operations, we use several data processors. For security reasons, our data processors are not listed, but can be provided upon request.


The Website may contain links or references to other websites. These websites have their own privacy policies that provide information on how the websites are operated and how personal data is collected and processed. Selvaag Eiendom recommends that you familiarize yourself with the privacy policies of third-party websites when you visit and use these websites.

Selvaag Eiendom is present on social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Through these platforms, we can collect aggregated information about you, such as likes, length of user session, page views, comments, reactions, etc. When you "like" or become a member of Selvaag Eiendom's Facebook page or Selvaag Eiendom's pages on other social media, this will be shared with the relevant platform. The same applies to other activity on Selvaag Eiendom's pages on social media, such as content you post and posts you like. The relevant platform will be responsible for the personal data it collects and processes. More information about this processing and your rights follows from the privacy statement of each platform.


We analyze WiFi signals to gain greater insight into the number of visitors to our building floors: Tjuvholmen and Løren. The insight is collected in collaboration with Telia and helps us plan the implementation of events more efficiently and provide a better customer experience. Only anonymized data is analyzed. If you do not want to be part of this analysis, you can turn off WiFi on your mobile phone.

How does it work?

All mobile phones communicate with the network through different signals to provide the best possible user experience. The measurements include those who have WiFi enabled on their mobile phone within Tjuvholmen's area. We only collect anonymized data before analysis (empty MAC addresses that are never stored), and these cannot be traced back to an individual. The only data analyzed is audience flow and movement patterns. There is no possibility for us to access, modify, or delete personal information, as we do not store any form of personal data.


If you have any questions about the collection and analysis of visit statistics, please contact (


A cookie is a small text file that we store on your PC. We do this to keep track of what happens during your visit and to recognize your PC. A cookie only contains text, is not a program, and does not contain viruses. Cookies are necessary to make the website work optimally. Cookies also help us gain an overview of your visit to the website, so that we can continuously optimize and target the website to your needs and interests. Read more about cookies and get an updated overview of which cookies are used on ( by clicking on this link.


Personal data mentioned in this statement is processed primarily within the EU/EEA. Should it become necessary to transfer data outside the EU/EEA, this will be done in accordance with the GDPR and with the associated legal basis. Some of our data processors, for example, have support centers outside the EU/EEA. In such cases, we have data processing agreements ensuring that the information with our data processors is processed in accordance with applicable data protection rules in the EU/EEA with a valid legal transfer basis in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR.


You have the right to request access, rectification, or erasure of personal data processed by Selvaag Eiendom about you if the conditions for this are met. You also have the right to request restriction of processing, object to processing, and data portability (the right to have personal data delivered or transferred in a suitable format), if the conditions for this are met.

If the processing is based on your consent, you can withdraw this at any time. If you wish to exercise your rights, see the contact information in point 1. You have the right to lodge a complaint about Selvaag Eiendom's processing of your personal data with the Norwegian Data Protection Authority. Selvaag Eiendom encourages you to raise any objections to Selvaag Eiendom's processing of personal data with Selvaag Eiendom first.


The current privacy statement will be available on our website. In case of changes in Selvaag Eiendom's processing of personal data, the statement will be updated on the website.

Last updated: 13.10.2022.